Seamless Pro (Deprecated)
The Seamless Pro integration allows you to present your own payment form to your customers and collect payment details on your webpage. This allows a seamless checkout experience to your customer. You will post the payment details to Cashfree for us to complete the two-factor authentication.
Test Environment:
Production Environment:
Steps to Integrate
Collect Payment Details
Customers make payments for their orders. To identify this particular order in your system you use an identifier orderId. You must send us the orderId and the corresponding orderAmount to process payments. We send you the payment status against each order.
You need to send us a few more details to process the payment. Details required are available in the request parameters here.
Collect all these relevant payment details (request parameters) from your customer.
Ensure to fill in the correct credentials for appId and secret key. You can find your AppId and Secret key from the merchant dashboard here.
Cashfree will post the response parameters to the returnUrl which you have specified while making the order request.
Cashfree posts form variables to a URL notifyUrl you specify that runs a program to process these variables. Check the response parameters which Cashfree will post to these URLs.
<form id="redirectForm" method="post" action="<ACTION_URL>">
<input type="hidden" name="appId" value="<YOUR_APP_ID>"/>
<input type="hidden" name="orderId" value="<ORDERID>"/>
<input type="hidden" name="orderAmount" value="<ORDERAMOUNT>"/>
<input type="hidden" name="orderCurrency" value="<ORDER_CURRENCY>"/>
<input type="hidden" name="orderNote" value="<ORDERNOTE>"/>
<input type="hidden" name="customerName" value="<CUSTOMER_NAME>"/>
<input type="hidden" name="customerEmail" value="<CUSTOMER_EMAIL>"/>
<input type="hidden" name="customerPhone" value="<CUSTOMER_PHONE>"/>
<input type="hidden" name="merchantData" value="<GENERATED_BASE64_MERCHANTDATA>"/>
<input type="hidden" name="returnUrl" value="<RETURN_URL>"/>
<input type="hidden" name="notifyUrl" value="<NOTIFY_URL>"/>
<input type="hidden" name="signature" value="<GENERATED_SIGNATURE>"/>
Request Parameters
You must send us the below JSON data parameters for us to process your request. Ensure to send us all the required fields mentioned below to process the request.
Parameter | Required | Description |
appId | Yes | Your app ID. |
orderId | Yes | Order/Invoice ID. |
orderAmount | Yes | Bill amount of the order. |
orderCurrency | No | Currency for the order. See Currencies Supported for a list of available currencies. Contact [email protected] to enable new currencies. |
orderNote | No | A help text to make customers know more about the order. |
customerName | Yes | Name of the customer. |
customerPhone | Yes | Phone number of customer. |
customerEmail | Yes | Email id of the customer. Should be a valid email iD, and cannot be from blocked email IDs. |
merchantData | No | A base 64 encoded json array (as a key value pair). Maximum 10 pairs allowed, at max 64 chars for each key and 256 chars for each value. |
notifyUrl | No | Notification URL for server-server communication. Useful when user’s connection drops during redirection. NotifyUrl should be an https URL. |
returnUrl | Yes | Return URL for redirecting once payment is completed. |
pc | No | Partner Code. It is the MID of the partner account who is a merchant aggregator. If you are transacting under the specific partner account pass this parameter. If you are an individual merchant do not pass this parameter. |
accountNumber | No | Required for third party validation flow. |
ifsc | No | Required for third party validation flow. |
signature | Yes | Request signature, click here for more information. |
Each payment method also requires some additional information to be collected. You can refer below to know more about the information required for each method.
Payment Parameters
To accept payment through cards, add the following input parameters to your HTML form.
<input name="paymentOption" value="card"/>
<input name="card_number" value="4444333322221111"/>
<input name="card_holder" value="John Doe"/>
<input name="card_expiryMonth" value="09"/>
<input name="card_expiryYear" value="2020"/>
<input name="card_cvv" value="123"/>
To accept card payments on your website ensure you have the PCI DSS Level 3 Certificate.
These parameters are available only for card payments.
Parameter | Required | Description |
card_number | Yes | Card Number. Sixteen digits only. No spaces or Hyphens. |
card_expiryMonth | Yes | Expiration Month for the Card. In MM format. |
card_expiryYear | Yes | Expiration Year for the Card. In YYYY format. |
card_cvv | Yes | CVV number of the Card. |
card_holder | Yes | Name of the Card Holder. |
payment_Option | Yes | 'card' for Debit/Credit Cards. |
Net Banking
To accept payment through net banking include the following parameters in your HTML form. Click here to see the complete list of banks available for net banking and their corresponding payment code values.
<input name="paymentOption" value="nb"/>
<input name="paymentCode" value="3333"/>
These parameters are available only for net banking.
Parameter | Required | Decription |
paymentCode | Yes | Refer the list for the codes. |
paymentOption | Yes | 'nb' for net banking. |
To accept payments through wallets you need to set the paymentOption as “wallet”. Click here to see the complete list of available wallets and their payment codes.
<input name="paymentOption" value="wallet"/>
<input name="paymentCode" value="4001"/>
These parameters are available only for wallets.
Parameter | Required | Description |
paymentCode | Yes | Refer the list for codes. |
paymentOption | Yes | 'wallet' for Wallet. |
We also support payment through UPI, you need to set the paymentOption as upi. We support the below modes of payment within UPI.
- Collect
- Google Pay
- QR Code
Collect request is sent to customers VPA which is specified in upi_vpa.
<input name="paymentOption" value="upi"/>
<input name="upi_vpa" value="testsuccess@gocash"/>
To test the integration, you can use testsuccess@gocash as your default UPI VPA.
Google Pay
Notification to Google Pay is directly sent to the customer contact number specified in customerPhoneparameter present in the request parameters. upiMode attribute needs to be set to gpay.
<input name="paymentOption" value="upi"/>
<input name="upiMode" value="gpay"/>
upi_vpa is not required.
QR Code
On selecting QR code as the payment method, customers will be redirected to the QR code page which can be scanned to complete the payment. upiMode attribute needs to be set to qrcode.
<input name="paymentOption" value="upi"/>
<input name="upiMode" value="qrcode"/>
upi_vpa is not required.
UPI One time mandate
Cashfree allows you to process one time mandate for UPI. To send a one time mandate request on a particular UPI id, you need to send the following details.
<input name="paymentOption" value="upi"/>
<input name="responseType" value="json"/>
<input name="upi_collect_time" value="2021-08-20 16:20:39"/>
<input name="upi_end_time" value="2021-09-20 16:20:39"/>
<input name="upi_start_time" value="2021-08-20 16:21:39"/>
<input type="text" name="upi_vpa" value="rohit@okicici"/>
Parameter | Description | Example |
upi_collect_time | This is the time until when the collect request will remain valid. You should send it as around 1-2 hours from now. | 2021-08-21 16:20:39 |
upi_start_time | This is when the one time mandate will start. Send current date. | 2021-08-20 16:20:39 |
upi_end_time | This is when the mandate ends. On the next day the customer will receive funds back in their account if not authorised. | 2021-08-20 16:20:39 |
You can also accept EMI payments from your customers. Set the paymentOption as emi. Click here to see the complete list of available EMI providers and their payment codes along with the available plan.
<input name="paymentOption" value="emi"/>
<input name="emiPlan" value="2"/>
<input name="paymentCode" value="6005"/>
emiPlan is required only in case of Card EMI.
These parameters are available only for EMI.
Parameter | Required | Decription |
paymentCode | Yes | See here for the codes |
paymentOption | Yes | 'emi' for EMI |
emiPlan | No | Only required for Card EMI. |
Pay Later
We also support Pay Later option for payments. For this, you need to set the paymentOption as paylater. Click here to see the complete list of available Pay Later providers and their payment codes.
<input name="paymentOption" value="paylater"/>
<input name="paymentCode" value="4503"/>
These parameters are available only for pay later option.
Parameter | Required | Description |
paymentCode | Yes | See the payment codes here. |
paymentOption | Yes | 'paylater' for Pay Later. |
To accept payments through PayPal you just need to set the paymentOption to Paypal.
<input name="paymentOption" value="paypal"/>
Generate Signature
Every request to Cashfree must contain authentication information to establish the identity of the user making the request. We use a digital signature to validate each transaction. A digital signature helps us to verify the originator of the message and also ensure the integrity of the signed data against tampering.
The signature is generated as the HMAC value of the data being passed which uses SHA256 hash function in combination with your API secret key.
We will generate a signature at our end and want you to do the same with the posted data and match it with the passed argument.
You can find your App Id and Secret key in the merchant dashboard here.
$merchantData = array(
"key1" => "value1",
"key2" => "value2",
"key3" => "value3"
$merchantData = base64_encode(json_encode($merchantData));
$postData = array(
"appId" => $appId,
"orderId" = > $orderId,
"orderAmount" => $orderAmount,
"orderCurrency" => $orderCurrency,
"orderNote" => $orderNote,
"customerName" => $customerName,
"customerPhone" => $customerPhone,
"customerEmail" => $customerEmail,
"returnUrl" => $returnUrl,
"notifyUrl" => $notifyUrl,
"paymentOption" => "nb",
"paymentCode" => "3333"
// get secret key from your config
$signatureData = "";
foreach ($postData as $key => $value){
$signatureData .= $key.$value;
$signature = hash_hmac('sha256', $signatureData, $secretKey,true);
$signature = base64_encode($signature);
import hashlib
import hmac
import base64
postData = {
"appId" : appId,
"orderId" : orderId,
"orderAmount" : orderAmount,
"orderCurrency" : orderCurrency,
"orderNote" : orderNote,
"customerName" : customerName,
"customerPhone" : customerPhone,
"customerEmail" : customerEmail,
"returnUrl" : returnUrl,
"notifyUrl" : notifyUrl,
"paymentOption" : "nb",
"paymentCode" : "3333"
sortedKeys = sorted(postData)
signatureData = ""
for key in sortedKeys:
signatureData += key+postData[key];
message = bytes(signatureData).encode('utf-8')
#get secret key from your config
secret = bytes(secretKey).encode('utf-8')
signature = base64.b64encode(, message,digestmod=hashlib.sha256).digest())
Map<String, String> postData = new HashMap<String, String>();
postData.put("appId", appId);
postData.put("orderId", ORDERID);
postData.put("orderAmount", ORDERAMOUNT);
postData.put("orderCurrency", ORDER_CURRENCY);
postData.put("orderNote", ORDERNOTE);
postData.put("customerName", CUSTOMER_NAME);
postData.put("customerEmail", CUSTOMER_EMAIL);
postData.put("customerPhone", CUSTOMER_PHONE);
postData.put("notifyUrl", NOTIFY_URL);
postData.put("paymentOption", "nb");
postData.put("paymentCode", "3333");
String data = "";
SortedSet<String> keys = new TreeSet<String>(postData.keySet());
for (String key : keys) {
data = data + key + postData.get(key);
Mac sha256_HMAC = Mac.getInstance("HmacSHA256");
SecretKeySpec secret_key_spec = new
String signature = Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(sha256_HMAC.doFinal(data.getBytes()));
using System;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace Rextester {
public class Program {
private string CreateToken(string message, string secret){
secret = secret ?? "";
var encoding = new System.Text.ASCIIEncoding();
byte[] keyByte = encoding.GetBytes(secret);
byte[] messageBytes = encoding.GetBytes(message);
using (var hmacsha256 = new HMACSHA256(keyByte))
byte[] hashmessage = hmacsha256.ComputeHash(messageBytes);
return Convert.ToBase64String(hashmessage);
public static void Main(string[] args) {
string secret = "<your_secret_key>";
string data = "";
SortedDictionary<string, string> formParams = new SortedDictionary<string, string>();
formParams.Add("appId", "<your_app_id>");
formParams.Add("orderId", "FEX101");
formParams.Add("orderAmount", "10.00");
formParams.Add("orderCurrency", "INR");
formParams.Add("orderNote", "Test payment");
formParams.Add("customerName", "Customer Name");
formParams.Add("customerPhone", "9900000085");
formParams.Add("customerEmail", "[email protected]");
formParams.Add("returnUrl", "");
formParams.Add("notifyUrl", "");
formParams.Add("paymentOption", "nb");
formParams.Add("paymentCode", "3333");
foreach (var kvp in formParams) {
data = data + kvp.Key + kvp.Value;
Program n = new Program();
string signature = n.CreateToken(data, secret);
Once you have collected this information you need to send this to Cashfree.
Submit Payment
Once you submit these details we will process the payment on your behalf. The payment processing status can be one of the following described below:
Case | | event.status |
Successful Payment | PAYMENT_RESPONSE | SUCCESS |
Payment cancelled by user | PAYMENT_RESPONSE | CANCELLED |
Payment successful but kept on hold by risk system | PAYMENT_RESPONSE | FLAGGED |
Invalid inputs | VALIDATION_ERROR | - |
Webhook Notification
Webhooks are events that notify you about the payment. A notification is sent to your backend from Cashfree when payments are successful. These notifications are useful in cases when the internet connection is unstable or slow while the payment is being processed. This will allow you to reconcile all the successful orders at your end. Notifications will be sent to notifyUrl which is a part of the request parameter specified while creating an order request.
- Notifications are sent only for successful payments.
- Sometimes you may receive the same notification more than once. It is recommended to ensure that your implementation of the webhook is idempotent.
Response Parameters
Cashfree will post details about every transaction to both the returnUrl and the notifyUrl. These parameters will be posted to the services you host on these URLs. You should use these details accordingly.
Parameter | Description |
orderId | Order id for which transaction has been processed. Example, GZ-212. |
orderAmount | Amount of the order. Example, 256.00 |
referenceId | Cashfree generated unique transaction Id. Example, 140388038803 |
txStatus | Payment status for that order. Values can be: SUCCESS, FLAGGED, PENDING, FAILED, CANCELLED, USER_DROPPED. |
paymentMode | Payment mode used by customers to make the payment. Example, DEBIT_CARD, MobiKwik, PREPAID_CARD, etc. |
txMsg | Message related to the transaction. Payment failure reason is included here. |
txTime | Time of the transaction. |
signature | Response signature, refer here. It is recommended to verify the signature at your end. |
Response Verification
Similar to every request checksum, we also send a digital signature in our response message. We strongly recommend you to verify this response signature at your end. This will ensure the response has not tampered.
$orderId = $_POST["orderId"];
$orderAmount = $_POST["orderAmount"];
$referenceId = $_POST["referenceId"];
$txStatus = $_POST["txStatus"];
$paymentMode = $_POST["paymentMode"];
$txMsg = $_POST["txMsg"];
$txTime = $_POST["txTime"];
$signature = $_POST["signature"];
$data = $orderId.$orderAmount.$referenceId.$txStatus.$paymentMode.$txMsg.$txTime;
$hash_hmac = hash_hmac('sha256', $data, $secretkey, true) ;
$computedSignature = base64_encode($hash_hmac);
if ($signature == $computedSignature) {
// Proceed
} else {
// Reject this call
import hashlib
import hmac
import base64
@app.route('/notify_url/', methods=["POST"])
def notify_url_process():
postData = {
"orderId" : request.form['orderId'],
"orderAmount" : request.form['orderAmount'],
"referenceId" : request.form['referenceId'],
"txStatus" : request.form['txStatus'],
"paymentMode" : request.form['paymentMode'],
"txMsg" : request.form['txMsg'],
"txTime" : request.form['txTime'],
signatureData = postData["orderId"] + postData["orderAmount"] + postData["referenceId"] + postData["txStatus"] + postData["paymentMode"] + postData["txMsg"] + postData["txTime"]
message = bytes(signatureData).encode('utf-8')
#get secret key from your config
secret = bytes(secretKey).encode('utf-8')
signature = base64.b64encode(,
LinkedHashMap<String, String> postData = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();
postData.put("orderId", ORDERID);
postData.put("orderAmount", ORDERAMOUNT);
postData.put("referenceId", REFERENCE_ID);
postData.put("txStatus", TXN_STATUS);
postData.put("paymentMode", PAYMENT_MODE);
postData.put("txMsg", TX_MSG);
postData.put("txTime", TX_TIME);
String data = "";
Set<String> keys = postData.keySet();
for (String key : keys) {
data = data + postData.get(key);
String secretKey = "" // Get secret key from config;
Mac sha256_HMAC = Mac.getInstance("HmacSHA256");
SecretKeySpec secret_key_spec = new
String signature = Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(sha256_HMAC.doFinal(data.getBytes()));
using System;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace Rextester {
public class Program {
private string CreateToken(string message, string secret){
secret = secret ?? "";
var encoding = new System.Text.ASCIIEncoding();
byte[] keyByte = encoding.GetBytes(secret);
byte[] messageBytes = encoding.GetBytes(message);
using (var hmacsha256 = new HMACSHA256(keyByte))
byte[] hashmessage = hmacsha256.ComputeHash(messageBytes);
return Convert.ToBase64String(hashmessage);
public static void Main(string[] args) {
string secret = "<your_secret_key>";
string data = "";
data = data + "FEX101";
data = data + "10.00";
data = data + "19992";
data = data + "SUCCESS";
data = data + "pg";
data = data + "payment done";
data = data + "2018-02-02 17:29:12";
Program n = new Program();
string signature = n.CreateToken(data, secret);
Third-Party Validation
Third-party Validation (TPV) as per the SEBI guidelines is a mandatory requirement for web merchants such as stockbrokers and mutual funds operating in the BFSI (Banking, Financial Services and Insurance) sector. As per SEBI guidelines, transactions on an MF/stockbroker platform must be made by their customers exclusively from the pre-registered bank accounts.
Using Cashfree’s TPV feature, you can comply with the regulatory guidelines in a manner such that the customers make payments only from their registered bank accounts.
Cashfree supports TPV via Net Banking and UPI.
Note: We are dependent on Banks to enable this feature. Hence, there will be a lead time involved in getting this feature enabled. Write to [email protected] or contact your account managers to enable this feature.
Integration flow
There is no change in the integration method, the only exception is that you have to send us the pre-registered account number and IFSC code for each of your customers as part of the request parameter.
For UPI, we support all banks while for Netbanking the list is given below.
Note: For SBI bank customers with account numbers starting with 0's (zeros), ensure to include all the 0's in the beginning.
Banks Supported for Net Banking
Name of the Bank | Bank Code |
Gujarat State Co-operative Bank Limited | 3091 |
The Surat People’s Co-operative Bank Limited | 3090 |
Utkarsh Small Finance Bank | 3089 |
IDBI Bank | 3023 |
IndusInd Bank | 3028 |
Karur Vysya Bank | 3031 |
Union Bank of India | 3055 |
IDFC FIRST Bank | 3024 |
Bank of India | 3006 |
State Bank of India | 3044 |
ICICI Bank | 3022 |
HDFC Bank | 3021 |
Yes Bank Ltd | 3058 |
Axis Bank | 3003 |
Laxmi Vilas Bank | 3033 |
City Union Bank | 3012 |
South Indian Bank | 3042 |
Indian Overseas Bank | 3027 |
Kotak Mahindra Bank | 3032 |
Deutsche Bank | 3016 |
Punjab National Bank - Retail Banking | 3038 |
AU Small Finance Bank | 3087 |
Shivalik Mercantile Cooperative Bank Ltd | 3086 |
HSBC Retail NetBanking | 3092 |
Karnataka Bank | 3030 |
Indian Bank | 3026 |
Federal Bank | 3020 |
Tamilnad Mercantile Bank | 3052 |
Test the Integration
After the integration is complete, you can test the flow of the transaction before you start accepting payments online. Click here to know how to view/generate API keys.
You can make a test transaction using the test card and net banking details available below. You can verify the payment status using the PG Dashboard, APIs, or webhooks. After completing the test, you can start accepting payments from your customers in real-time.
Card Details
Card Number | Expiry | CVV | Name |
4444 3333 2222 1111 | 07/23 | 123 | Test |
4111 1111 1111 1111 | 07/23 | 123 | Test |
Net Banking Details
Bank | Payment Code |
Test Bank | 3333 |
Test TPV Net Banking
Parameter | Values |
accountNumber | 1111222233 |
ifsc | TEST0001234 |
Parameter | Values |
userVPA | testtpv@gocash |
accountNumber | 1111222233 |
ifsc | TEST0001234 |
We have decided to close down our old integration methods. We suggest you head over to the new APIs to complete your integration.
Read more here.Updated 10 months ago