Go Live ChecklistKeep in mind the following pointers before you start accepting payments from your customers. Suggest Edits Test End-to-End Flow Ensure that you have tested the integration in the Sandbox environment and it is successful. Perform an end-to-end test simulation and make sure your integration is working fine. Check if you have performed the following steps - Create Order - Open CheckoutX - Confirm Payment Whitelist Production Domain/Package This integration will require whitelisting of your domain used to open the checkout page. Any other domain used to open the checkout page will be blocked by Cashfree. You can request for Domain Whitelisting via Developers > Whitelisting from your merchant dashboard. Setup Webhooks Ensure that you have set up and tested your Webhooks in the production mode for the events you want to receive notifications. Setup Production Endpoint Make sure you have replaced the endpoints to the production endpoints before going live. Setup Production API Keys Check if you have generated the API Keys in Production Mode. Download your API keys and keep them securely. Make sure you have replaced the Test API Keys with the Production Keys before you begin accepting payments from your customers. Subscribe to Developer Updates undefined