Getting Started

Initialize with script tag

Include the cashfree.js, make sure that it is loaded directly from To be PCI compliant, you must load cashfree.js directly from You cannot include it in a bundle or host it yourself.

<script src=""></script>

How to always use a specific version

To always use a specific version you will have to include the version in this way

<script src=""></script>

We recommend to use the latest version (cashfree.js) always. You can find all the versions here

Asynchronous and deferred loading of Cashfree.js

Asynchronous loading of JavaScript is generally recommended, as it can improve the user experience of your site by not blocking DOM rendering during script loading.

You can also load cashfree.js using the async or defer attribute on the script tag. Kindly note that with asynchronous loading, any API calls will have to be made only after the script execution has finished.

To initialize

const cashfree = Cashfree({
    mode:"sandbox" //or production



It can be either sandbox or production depending upon the URL you used for creating payment_session_id -

  • - then it will be production

  • - then it will be sandbox


An instance of Cashfree

Initialize as a module


npm install @cashfreepayments/cashfree-js


import {load} from '@cashfreepayments/cashfree-js';
const cashfree = await load({
	mode: "sandbox" //or production

This load function returns a Promise that resolves with a newly created Cashfree object once Cashfree.js has loaded. If you call load in a server environment it will resolve to null.

If you have deployed a Content Security Policy, make sure to Cashfree domains in your directives.

  • connect-src,
  • frame-src,,,,
  • script-src,

Methods of cashfree variable

Below are few methods that you can call on the above variable


Get the version of the sdk

How to use

let version = cashfree.version();


A string, which references the current version that the sdk is using. This will help you understand which version of cashfree.js your site is using. This is helpful in understanding features available for a version. By default we will always upgrade your sdk to the latest version. But in some cases your customer's browser might cache the javascript for some amount of time. In that case your customers will not get the latest version. Checkout all versions here


The checkout method redirects the user to a Cashfree hosted page. See all the supported options here. You can find a full example here

How to use

let checkoutOptions = {
	paymentSessionId: "payment-session-id",
	returnUrl: "{order_id}",


cashfree.checkout will return a Promise that resolves with either result.error when there is an error or result.redirect when there is redirection


Use create() to initialize a cashfree component for your HTML page.

How to use

Here is a small example demonstrating how to render a UPI collect component. We will see more detailed example in the UPI collect example
Refer to this page for all available components

let options = {
  values: {               
      upiId: "rohit@icici"
let component = cashfree.create("upiCollect", options);

create takes two arguments. The first argument is the component name of type string. You can find all the names of the components we provide here.
The second argument is of type object. It contains details about the behavior and look of the component. Find all the details for options object here


An instance of the component. A component has several methods that you can find here


If you are building your own checkout page Cashfree provides a set of components. A component can be mounted in DOM container. Use mount() to mount the component.

How to use

Syntax: component.mount(querySelector)

//let's create a div which will have our component
const div = document.createElement('div');
div.setAttribute("id", "componentContainer");



Use pay() to begin payment flow for a component. Not all components are payable. Check all the components here. The pay method takes in a paymentOption object.

How to use

let paymentOptions = {
	paymentMethod: component,
	paymentSessionId: "your-payment-session-id",
    returnUrl: "{order_id}"
} (result) {
	if(result.error) {
		//there is an error
		//message at result.error.message
		//console.log("User would be redirected");
	if(result.paymentDetails) {
		//only when redirect = 'if_required' for UPI payment
		//payment is successful 
		//message is at result.paymentDetails.paymentMessage

You can read more about payment options and their configuration here

Returns will return a Promise.

Upon success, the promise will resolve with result.paymentMessage if the user has opted for a non redirection flow. example UPI, QR.

Upon redirection, the promise will resolve with result.redirect

If the payment fails, the Promise will resolve with an result.error. error.type will describe the failure. In some cases you can directly show the error.message to your user. Please refer here for the types

Note that may take several seconds to complete. During that time, you should disable user interaction and show a waiting indicator like a spinner. If you receive an error result, you should be sure to show that error to the customer, re-enable user interaction, and hide the waiting indicator.

What to do after payment is complete

After payment have been completed by your customer, you would want to destroy all your payment components or redirect your customer to a order confirmation page. This has to be built by you.

Component Lifecycle

A component lifecycle starts with create and it ends when payment is completed for the component or component is manually destroyed. We will take example of upiCollect component here


component lifecycle

  1. Include cashfree in your HTML
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
		<meta charset="UTF-8">
		<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
		<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
		<div id="my-div"></div>
		<button id="pay">Pay</button>
		<script src=""></script>
  1. Init cashfree using cashfree.create()
const cashfree = Cashfree({
    mode: "sandbox",
  1. Create component
let options = {
		upiId: "testsuccess@gocash"
let component = cashfree.create("upiCollect", options);

Read about different values that options can take here

  1. Mount component to DOM. There are multiple component methods. You can find the complete list here
  1. Initiate Payment. Get a sample payment_session_id here
document.getElementById("pay").addEventListener("click", function(){
	let paymentPromise ={
		paymentMethod: component,
		paymentSessionId: "payment_session_id",
        returnUrl: "{order_id}"

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