Standard Settlement

Cashfree Payments provides you (merchants) with the standard settlement process to ensure that you receive timely and accurate payments from the transactions collected. Along with it, we provide detailed reports and records of the transactions, including information about the fees, chargebacks, and other financial data.

When you opt for standard settlement, from the dashboard you can:

  • Search standard settlement details
  • View standard settlement details
  • Download standard settlement reports

Search settlements

Follow the instructions below to search for a report:

  1. Log in to the Payments Gateway dashboard using your credentials.
  2. Navigate to Settlements > Standard.
  3. You can view the following details in the Unsettled Amount card.
    • Unsettled Amount - This field displays the unsettlement amount in rupees.
    • Settlement cycle - This field displays the settlement cycle.
  4. Use the following filters to view specific settlement report(s):
    • Today - Use this dropdown to set a specific period. Click Custom Date Range to choose a date range.
    • Search & Filter - Use this dropdown to sort the results based on the filters.
    • Include Skipped Settlements - Switch this toggle on to include skipped settlements in the results. A settlement can be skipped for various reasons such as no transactions occurred, system or limit breach etc.
  5. You can view the results of the settlement reports in the table.
  6. The table displays the following details:
    • Initiated At - It displays the date and time of the initiation of the report.
    • Transaction Period - It displays the specific duration of time during which the transactions occurred.
    • UTR - It displays the unique identifier generated to recognise the transaction.
    • Settled Amt. - It displays the settlement amount.
    • Status - It displays the status of the settlement.
  7. Click a report from the table to view the complete details of the report.

View settlement details

Our records on settlements provide a clear and transparent overview of all financial transactions. The details include transactions and settlements between Cashfree Payments and merchants. You can view the following details when you click a settlement:

  • Settlement ID - It displays the unique ID that identifies the particular settlement.
  • Settlement Details
    • Type - It displays the type of the settlement.
    • UTR No. - It displays the unique identifier that recognises the particular transaction.
    • Period - It displays the specific duration of time
    • Settled on - It displays the date and time of the settlement.
    • Account - It displays the merchant's account number.
    • IFSC Code - It displays the IFSC information of the merchant.
  • Net Settlement Break-Up - It displays the breakdown of the components that contribute to the net settlement amount.
  • Charges and Taxes - It displays details of the charges and taxes.
  • Timeline - It displays the chronological sequence of the key events involved in the particular settlement.

Download settlement report

Our reports help you to reconcile your internal records with the transactions processed through Cashfree payments. You can download the report to compare settlement reports with internal reports and ensure accuracy.

  1. After clicking a report from the results table, click Download Report.
    • New Settlements Recon - This report has reformed settlement and reconciliation details (credit and debit entries in the tab).
    • Old Settlements Recon