Card Payments

All major debit, credit (retail and corporate), and prepaid card brands like Visa, Mastercard, Amex, Rupay, Diner and Discover are supported. You have the flexibility to accept payments from specific card types only. For example, accept payments from debit cards only, or credit cards only. Write to [email protected] to get the payment method customised.

Customers have the option to save their card details during payments. It allows them to make faster payments from then on without having to enter the card details for every transaction. Cards are only saved once the transaction is successful. Click here to know more.


Cashfree payment gateway now supports preauthorization on credit/debit card transactions. Card brands supported are Mastercard and Visa card type only. Pre Auth flow allows you to authorize any amount of funds from your customer’s card and capture these funds (or any part of it) at a later time. This is different from typical credit/debit card transactions where the capture of funds happens immediately after the transaction is authorized.

When your customers place an order, you can temporarily block funds on their card using preauthorization. If the order is modified or is cancelled within a specific time frame, you can mark the transaction void and the blocked amount is immediately available in the customer account. There will not be any payment gateway transaction cost (TDR) on cancelled orders. You can capture verified transactions and mark cancelled transactions as void using the Bulk Capture option.

3D Secure 2.0 Authentication Protocol (3DS2)

3D Secure 2 is an authentication protocol that allows you to provide protection across multiple platforms with easy integration into their systems. 3DS2 is the updated version of 3DS1. The important upgrade with respect to 3DS2 is the introduction of frictionless authentication and improved user experience.

With this, Cashfree now accepts international card payments using credit, debit, or prepaid cards issued by banks outside India. International card payments are enabled for all existing merchants

How 3DS2 works:

3DS2 allows banks to verify the transaction for its authenticity. This situation arises if the customer bank determines that the transaction is not performed from a trusted device and needs extra information. You need to pass additional payment information such as customer IP, customer device details, merchant details, etc. Based on these data points networks compute a risk score.

If a transaction is determined as low-risk it goes through a smooth frictionless flow and no further action is required. However, if a transaction is determined as high-risk, the transaction goes through a challenge flow.

A transaction either goes through a frictionless flow or a challenge flow, the process is explained below:

Frictionless flow allows issuers to approve a transaction without the need to interact with the cardholder.
A challenge flow is activated if the bank determines that the transaction is not coming from a trusted device and needs additional information. The customer needs to perform additional authentication steps.

What does 3DS2 offer?

  • Enhanced authentication service.
  • The 3DS2 protocol allows you to pass additional customer & device data to issuing banks.
  • Enhanced customer experience with easier payment cycle through frictionless flow.
  • 3DS2 protects your customers from fraudulent transactions across most platforms by providing an additional layer of security. This reduces payment authentication failures.
  • 3DS2 provides you greater insight into transactional patterns.


Cashfree Payments is now live with 3DS framework to enable Indian merchants accept international payments while protecting their business from fraud and chargebacks.


Card Tokenization is the process of replacing sensitive card information like PAN (16-digit Primary Account Number), and PAN expiry with a cryptographically generated random string. This is referred to as the card token. Once a card is tokenized, the generated card token can be used for processing payments as a substitute for sensitive card details like PAN and PAN expiry. This eliminates the issue of loss of sensitive card information while making card payments.

Related page links -

CVV Free Saved Card Payments

Cashfree Payments now supports CVV-free saved card payments on all the major card networks operating in India. This experience is designed to provide a faster, smoother, and more convenient payment experience while continuing to maintain the highest level of security.

What are CVV Free Saved Card Payments?

Card Verification Value (CVV) is a 3 -4-digit number that is used to verify the cardholder for card-based digital payments, whether or not the card in question had been saved on that business’ checkout. This manual entry requirement often leads to 5-10% of failed credit and debit card payments when the CVV is incorrectly entered.

Card networks that support CVV Free Saved Card Payments - VISA, MCard, RuPay, American Express (AMEX).

All Cashfree Payments gateway customers using our Token Vault solution will be able to use our CVV-free payments flow, especially if they are currently using our hosted checkout or SDKs. In case they are using our PG infrastructure, via a seamless API-based integration, they will need to remove the flow which asks for CVV before triggering the Create Order API.

Allow Payments from only specific card BIN

This feature is developed for merchants who want to accept payments only from a specific card BIN or cards issued by a specific bank in the payment gateway. All the other transactions from other card BINs will be blocked.

Use Cases -

  • As a card-issuing merchant, having the ability to allocate a specific card BIN offers a unique advantage. Consider a scenario where you've unveiled enticing 'offers' through your mobile application and aim to encourage exclusive usage of your issued card. This distinctive feature ensures that your customers enjoy the tailored benefits, fostering increased engagement and loyalty towards your brand.
  • If merchant has an exclusive partnership with a particular bank, such as Axis Bank, restricting card transactions solely to the cards issued by that bank on their platform. This strategic alliance ensures that only cards affiliated with the partnered bank are accepted, creating a targeted and streamlined experience for users of those specific cards.


Contact your account manager to get this feature activated.

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