Overview - Risk Shield

In this article, you will learn about the Overview screen that allows our merchants to view blocked transfers and approve or reject transfers that are in review.

To provide a safer environment for our merchants, we scan and intercept transfers that may lead to a potential loss of money because of fraudulent activities or security breaches. The scanned transfers are either blocked or put in review waiting for approval.

Proprietary machine learning model

Payouts has an anomaly detection machine learning model designed specifically to identify patterns that deviate from the expected behaviour and flags the initiated transfer as a potential fraudulent activity. Without any technical integration required from your end, you can easily detect and block individual fraud transactions in real-time.



Talk to your account manager or write to [email protected] to integration the machine learning model and find anomalies in your Payouts account.

How does it work?

  1. Learning normal

The model first studies a bunch of data points to understand what normal transfers looks like. It analyses the data itself to identify patterns and commonalities.

  1. Spotting the strange

Once the model learns what normal looks like, it keeps an eye on new data points. If the data is way off, it flags the particular transfer. Following are a few examples of anomalies:

  • Unusual transfer amount - The model detects any high value transfer happening on an account which deviates from normal behaviour of the transfer that took place in the past.
  • Spike in transfer frequency - The model detects any instance where the number of transfers to a specific bank account deviates significantly from the expected behaviour within the given time frame.
  • Temporal patterns - The model isn't just interested in if a single day has high transactions, but also in how the transfer volume changes over time. By combining individual transfers, cumulative sums, and looking across different time windows, the model can uncover interesting patterns. For example, it might detect a sudden rise in transfers over 30 days, followed by an even steeper increase in hourly transfers within that period. This could signal unusual activity.
  1. Investigate the anomaly

Once the transfer is flagged for review, look into the details of the transfer and then you can approve or block it accordingly.


Whitelist a beneficiary

If you want the model to know a transfer is genuine for a beneficiary, you can whitelist the beneficiary in the dashboard.

Receive daily notifications

Once you integrate the model to your Payouts account, you will receive daily notifications regarding blocked/flagged transfers via email, SMS, Whatsapp, and you can also review it in the dashboard.

Blocked transfers

You can view the list of transfers that are blocked in the Overview screen. A blocked transfer cannot be unblocked. The transfer journey of that specific transfer ends here. The screen gives you the data of the number of transfers scanned, blocked, and the amount protected.

To view the blocked transfers, follow the instructions below:

  1. Login to the dashboard using your credentials and navigate to Risk Shield > Overview.
  2. The Overview screen consists of two tabs, by default you can view the Blocked Transfers tab. If not, click Blocked Transfers.
  3. Last 7 Days - Use the dropdown menu to select the time period of the blocked transfer that you wish to view. You can click the Calendar icon to select a custom date range.
  4. You can view the following information of a blocked transfer:
    • Initiated At - It represents the initiation time of the transfer.
    • Transfer ID - It represents the ID of the initiated transfer.
    • Beneficiary ID - It represents the ID of the beneficiary designated to receive the transfer amount.
    • Method - It represents the mode of the transfer.
    • Fundsource - It represents your fund source account from which the transfer was initated.
    • Amount - It represents the transfer amount.
    • Status - It represents the status of the transfer.
    • Block Reason - It describes the reason why the transfer was blocked.

Reasons for blocked transfers

Transfers can get blocked for a variety of causes by Risk Shield. It often depends on the transfer type, beneficiary and/or financial institution involved, etc. Here are a few scenarios and reasons for the block.

The table below lists the reasons for a blocked transfer by our Risk Shield:

Bank account blacklistedIf the beneficiary bank account is marked as high risk in our database.
High-risk VPASome Virtual Payments Address(VPA) of aggregators is highly risky.
Email id blacklistedIf the beneficiary email ID is marked as high risk in our database.
Mobile no. blacklistedIf the beneficiary mobile number is marked as high risk in our database.
VPA BlacklistedIf the beneficiary VPA is marked as high risk in our database.

The table below lists the reasons for a blocked transfer due to Smart Limits configuration. Smart Limits allow you to control the transfer amount and disable processing transfers at a scheduled time to mitigate any risk.

Exceeded Transfer LimitThe transfer could not be completed as it exceeded the configured maximum transfer amount limit.
Exceeded Transfer limit per dayThe transfer could not be completed as it exceeded the configured maximum transfer amount limit per day.
Exceeded Transfer limit per monthThe transfer could not be completed as it exceeded the configured maximum transfer amount limit per month.
Exceeded Transfer limit per beneficiary per dayThe transfer could not be completed as it exceeded the configured maximum transfer amount limit per beneficiary per day.
Exceeded Transfer limit per beneficiary per monthThe transfer could not be completed as it exceeded the configured maximum transfer amount limit per beneficiary per month.

The final table below lists the reasons for a blocked transfer due to My Blacklists. Once a beneficiary is added to the blacklist because you regard them as unacceptable or untrustworthy, we block the transfer that is initiated to prevent the beneficiary from receiving any money.

Blocked list - Bank accountThe transfer is blocked because the bank account information of the beneficiary is added in your custom blacklist.
Blocked list - VPAThe transfer is blocked because the UPI VPA information of the beneficiary is added in your custom blacklist.
Blocked list - EmailThe transfer is blocked because the email information of the beneficiary is added in your custom blacklist.
Blocked list - MobileThe transfer is blocked because the mobile information of the beneficiary is added in your custom blacklist.

Transfers for review

We put in the transfers for your review under the Transfers for Review tab. The idea is for our merchants to review the authenticity of the initiated transfer and decide to approve or reject the transfer.

Follow the instructions below to view the transfers for review:

  1. Once you login to your Cashfree Payments Payouts account, navigate to Risk Shield > Overview.
  2. The Overview screen consists of two tabs, click Transfers for Review.
  3. Last 7 Days - Use the dropdown menu to select the time period of the blocked transfer that you wish to view. You can click the Calendar icon to select a custom date range.
  4. Flag Reason - It describes the reason why the transfer was put in review for approval.
  5. Approve/Block Transfer - Once you review the transfer, click Approve to approve and initiate the transfer. You need to enter the received OTP in the popup within 15 minutes. Click Block Transfer to block the transfer.
Approve Transfer

Approve Transfer


You can click a transfer in the grid to drill down and view the complete details of the transfer that is blocked or waiting for approval..