3.2 Initiate payment - UPI Checkout
UPI flow
UPI flow is the standard flow for Cashfree payment gateway's Cordova SDK. In this flow, SDK provides a pre-built native screen to facilitate a quick integration with our payment gateway.
Initiating the payment
To initiate the UPI checkout payment in the SDK, follow these steps
- Create a Session object.
- Create a Components object.
- Create a Theme object.
- Create a UPI Checkout Payment object.
- Set payment callback.
- Initiate the payment using the payment object created from [step 4]
Create a session
The payment_session_id
created from Step 2 is used to authenticate the payment.
Cashfree provides two environments, one being the sandbox
environment for developers to test the payment flow and responses and the other being production
environment which gets shipped to production. This environment can be set in this session object.
The values for environment can be either SANDBOX
let session = {
"payment_session_id": "payment_session_id",
"orderID": "order_id",
"environment": "SANDBOX" //"SANDBOX" or "PRODUCTION"
Payment Components
The Cashfree's UPI checkout allows the merchant to control the payment modes shown to their customer using the payment component parameter.
Set a Theme
let theme = {
"navigationBarBackgroundColor": "#E64A19", //ios
"navigationBarTextColor": "#FFFFFF", //ios
"buttonBackgroundColor": "#FFC107", //ios
"buttonTextColor": "#FFFFFF", //ios
"primaryTextColor": "#212121",
"secondaryTextColor": "#757575", //ios
"backgroundColor": "#FFFFFF"
Create a UPI Checkout Payment object
- Code Snippet to create a payment object for UPI Checkout (pre-built UI SDK)
let upiPaymentObject = {
"theme": {
"navigationBarBackgroundColor": "#E64A19", //ios
"navigationBarTextColor": "#FFFFFF", //ios
"buttonBackgroundColor": "#FFC107", //ios
"buttonTextColor": "#FFFFFF", //ios
"primaryTextColor": "#212121",
"secondaryTextColor": "#757575", //ios
"backgroundColor": "#FFFFFF"
"session": {
"payment_session_id": "payment_session_id",
"orderID": "order_id",
"environment": "SANDBOX" //"SANDBOX" or "PRODUCTION"
Setup Payment Callback
The SDK exposes an interface CFCallback
to receive callbacks from the SDK once the payment flow ends.
This protocol comprises of 2 methods:
public void onVerify(result)
public void onError(error)
- Code snippet demonstrating it's usage:
function onDeviceReady() {
const callbacks = {
onVerify: function (result) {
let details = {
"orderID": result.orderID
onError: function (error){
let errorObj = {
"orderID": result.orderID,
"status": error.status,
"code": error.code,
"type": error.type,
"message": error.message
Sample Code
document.addEventListener('deviceready', onDeviceReady, false);
function onDeviceReady() {
console.log('Running cordova-' + cordova.platformId + '@' + cordova.version);
let upiElement = document.getElementById("onUPI");
upiElement.addEventListener("click", (e) => initiateUPIPayment());
const callbacks = {
onVerify: function (result) {
let details = {
"orderID": result.orderID
onError: function (error){
let errorObj = {
"orderID": result.orderID,
"status": error.status,
"code": error.code,
"type": error.type,
"message": error.message
function initiateUPIPayment() {
"theme": {
"navigationBarBackgroundColor": "#E64A19", //ios
"navigationBarTextColor": "#FFFFFF", //ios
"buttonBackgroundColor": "#FFC107", //ios
"buttonTextColor": "#FFFFFF", //ios
"primaryTextColor": "#212121",
"secondaryTextColor": "#757575", //ios
"backgroundColor": "#FFFFFF"
"session": {
"payment_session_id": "payment_session_id",
"orderID": "order_id",
"environment": "SANDBOX" //"SANDBOX" or "PRODUCTION"
You can check our demo app located here.
Cashfree UPI intent Simulator App
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Updated 2 months ago