Integrating with Subscriptions

In this article, you will learn how to integrate with Subscriptions (Seamless & Non-Seamless).

Non-Seamless Subscription

Periodic Subscription workflow with plans

Follow the steps below to create a periodic subscription workflow with plans.

Periodic Subscription with Plan Info

Follow the steps below to create a periodic subscription workflow with plan info.

  • Create a subscription with Plan Info - Create a subscription by specifying the customer and plan information.
  • Redirection - Post customer authorisation, redirect the customer to the required return URL.
  • Subscription Authorisation Status - This will be triggered if the customer authorisation fails. Your customer can do multiple checkouts through the same subscription, and you will be notified of every checkout failure.
  • Get Subscription Details - Fetch the details of the subscription whenever required. You can get the details of the mandate when you fetch the subscription details. (Optional Step).
  • Integrate Success and Failed webhook
  • Get Single Subscription Payment - Get the details of a particular payment of the subscription. (Optional Step).
  • Retry Payment - Retry the payment if the last failed payment for a subscription is in the ONHOLD state. You can also Retry API when the subscription charge has failed at your customer's end.
  • Activate Subscription - Activate the subscription once your customer completes the authorisation or if it is in the ON_HOLD state.

Create On-demand Subscription with Plans

Follow the steps below to create an On-demand subscription workflow with plan info.

Create On-demand Subscription with Plan Info

Follow the steps below to create an On-demand subscription with plan info.

Seamless Subscription

Periodic Subscription with Plans

Follow the steps below to create a periodic seamless subscription with plans

Periodic Subscription with Plan Info

Follow the steps below to create a periodic seamless subscription with plan info.

  • Create a seamless subscription with plan info - Create a seamless subscription by mentioning the plan information.
  • Create Authorisation Request - Create an authorisation request for a particular subscription.
  • Get Authorisation Status - Fetch the status of the authorisation request. (Optional Step).
  • Redirection - Post customer authorisation, redirect the customer to your own page after successful checkout.
  • Subscription Authorisation Status - This will be triggered if the customer authorisation fails. Your customer can do multiple checkouts through the same subscription, and you will be notified of every checkout failure.
  • Get Subscription Details - Fetch the details of the subscription whenever required. You can get the details of the mandate when you fetch the subscription details.
  • Integrate Success and Failed Webhook
  • Get Single Subscription Payment - Get the details of a particular payment of the subscription. (Optional Step).
  • Retry Payment - Retry if the last payment has failed for a subscription that is in the ONHOLD state. If the attempt is successful, the subscription gets activated. Only one retry attempt is allowed per day and 3 retry attempts are allowed for a failed transaction.
  • Activate Subscription - Activate the subscription once your customer completes the authorisation or if it is in the ON_HOLD state.

On-Demand Subscription with Plans

Follow the steps below to create an on-demand seamless subscription with plans.

Create On-demand Subscription with Plan Info

Follow the steps below to create an on-demand seamless subscription with plans.