Xamarin AndroidX SDK

The Cashfree Xamarin AndroidX SDK allows you to integrate Cashfree Payment Gateway into your application and start collecting payments from your customers. It is designed to minimise the complexity of handling and integrating payments in your application.

The Cashfree Xamarin AndroidX SDK Integration sample is available here.

Watch the video to know how to integrate Cashfree Xamarin Android SDK with your Android application:


This SDK is not applicable for newly onboarded merchants.

Integration Steps

To integrate Cashfree AndroidX SDK with your Android application,

  1. Create an account with Cashfree and get the API keys
  2. Integrate the Cashfree SDK into your application
  3. Generate Token - From Backend
  4. Initiate payment - Invoke a payment API from the Cashfree SDK with the token generated when the customer initiates payment for an order from your application. Cashfree SDK displays appropriate screens to the customer for the payment.
  5. Receive and handle response - Cashfree SDK returns the payment result for the order which should be handled in your application.
  6. Verify response - It is mandatory to verify the payment response by checking the signature value returned in the payment response. It is also highly recommended to implement webhook notifications to receive a notification from the Cashfree backend to your backend whenever a payment is successful for an order.

Step 1: Create Account and Get API Keys

  1. Go to Cashfree website and create an account. Click here for detailed steps on how to create and activate your account.
  2. Log in to your Merchant Dashboard using the same credentials.
  3. Click Payment Gateway section View Dashboard click Credentials. For security purposes, you need to enter your password for verification.
  4. Copy the app ID and the secret key. These values are required to create the order token from your server. Order tokens are used to authenticate the API calls made from Cashfree Xamarin AndroidX SDK.

Step 2: Integrate SDK

  1. Go to the Xamarin Android project and right-click on Packages and click
    Manage NuGet Packages.
  2. Browse for Cashfree.AndroidX.Payment.SDK and select the latest version of the package and click Add Package.
  3. Add the following dependencies to the same project.
    • Xamarin.AndroidX.Browser
    • Xamarin.AndroidX.ConstraintLayout
    • Xamarin.AndroidX.Legacy.Support.Core.Utils
    • Xamarin.Google.Android.Material
  4. Android Manifest Changes - The Cashfree SDK requires you to add the permissions shown below in your Android Manifest file.
    • AccessNetworkState
    • Internet

Step 3: Generate Token (From Backend)

The cftoken is used to authenticate the payment requests made from SDK. It has to be generated for every payment attempt made for an order. Pass this token to the SDK while initiating the payment for that order. To generate cftoken you need to use our token generation API.

Request Description to Generate Token

Production - set the URL to https://api.cashfree.com/api/v2/cftoken/order
Testing - set the action URL to https://test.cashfree.com/api/v2/cftoken/order

You need to send orderId, orderCurrency and orderAmount as a JSON object to the API endpoint and in response, you will receive a token. Please see the description of the request below.

curl -XPOST -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
-H 'x-client-id: <YOUR_APP_ID>'
-H 'x-client-secret: <YOUR_SECRET_KEY>'
-d '{
"orderId": "<ORDER_ID>",
"orderCurrency": "INR"
}' 'https://test.cashfree.com/api/v2/cftoken/order'

Request Example: Replace YOUR_APP_ID and YOUR_SECRET_KEY with actual values.

curl -XPOST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'x-client-id: YOUR_APP_ID' -H 'x-
client-secret: YOUR_SECRET_KEY' -d '{
"orderId": "Order0001",
}' 'https://test.cashfree.com/api/v2/cftoken/order'

Response Example

"status": "OK",
"message": "Token generated",

This API should be called from your server (backend) only, and never from your Android application as it uses the secretKey.

Step 4: Initiate Payment

After generating the order token, the payment gets initiated when the payment API DoPayment is called.

For payment, your application passes the order info and the cftoken to the SDK. The relevant payment screen is displayed to the customer where they enter the required information and make the payment. After the payment is complete the customers are redirected to the Android application and a response is received on onActivityResult().


  • The order details passed during the token generation and the payment initiation should match. Else, you will get an Invalid order details error.
  • Wrong appId and token will result in Unable to authenticate merchant error. The token generated for payment is valid for 5 minutes within which the payment has to be initiated. Else, you will get an Invalid token error.

Step 5. Receive and Handle Response

After the payment is complete you will receive the response on the onActivityResult() function of the invoking activity. In the intent extras, you will receive a set of response parameters which is used to determine if the transaction was successful or not. Request code will always be equal to CFPaymentService.REQ_CODE.

protected override void OnActivityResult(int requestCode, Result resultCode, Intent
    base.OnActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);
    if (data != null)
         String dataString = data.DataString;
         if (dataString != null)
              // do your payment verification here using dataString

Step 6. Verify Response

Once the SDK returns a response to the application, it is mandatory to verify the payment response by verifying the signature value returned in the payment response. It is also highly recommended to implement webhook notification to receive a notification from Cashfree backend to your backend whenever a payment is successful for an order.

Click here to know about the implementation details.

Sample Application

Click here to view the sample application.


Checkout is the standard flow for Cashfree Xamarin AndroidX SDK. In this flow, SDK loads a webview which renders the Cashfree's payment page. Customers can fill the required details here and complete payment.

There are two types of Web Checkout methods. You can select the required method based on your business need.

  • Web Checkout with Cashfree UI - Customer selects the payment mode and enters the payment details within Cashfree's web payment page to complete the payment.
  • Seamless Web Checkout - Customer selects the payment mode and enters payment details in your application. These details are then passed on to the Cashfree SDK. Webview is launched only for two-factor authentication.

Web checkout supports payment through Google pay, Amazon pay, PhonePe and UPI payment modes.

Web Checkout Using Cashfree UI

Web checkout uses webview to process payment hence the name. For both Web Checkout and Seamless Web Checkout you need to invoke the DoPayment() method. However, there are a few extra parameters you need to pass for a seamless integration method.


Add this package in your class using Com.Cashfree.PG;

CFPaymentService.CFPaymentServiceInstance.DoPayment(Context context,
Dictionary<String, String> params, String token, String stage);

Initiates the payment in a webview. The customer will be taken to the payment page on the Cashfree server where they have the option to pay through any payment option that is activated on their account. Once the payment is done the webview will close and the response will be delivered in the OnActivityResult().


  • Context: Context of the calling activity.
  • Params: A map of all the relevant parameters described here.
  • Token: The token generated here.
  • Environment: Value should be either "TEST" for testing server, or "PROD" for production server respectively.
CFPaymentService.CFPaymentServiceInstance.DoPayment(Context context,
Dictionary<String, String> params, String token, String stage, 
String color1, String color2)

Additional Parameters:

  • color1: Toolbar background color.
  • color2: Toolbar text and back arrow color.

If you want to hide the order ID, add another parameter hideOrderID as shown below:

CFPaymentService.CFPaymentServiceInstance.DoPayment(Context context,
Dictionary<String, String> params,
String token, String stage, bool hideOrderId)

If you want to customise the toolbar colour and also hide the order ID in the toolbar, add the parameters as shown below:

public void doPayment(Context context, Map<String, String> params, 
String token, String stage, String color1, String color2, 
boolean hideOrderId)

Sample Code

CFPaymentService.CFPaymentServiceInstance.DoPayment(this, Pairs, Token, Environment);

Seamless Web Checkout

When you have a requirement for a customised payment flow, you can use seamless integration. You can implement the payment page as per your requirement and then use our SDK to authorise the payment. Once the payment details are collected the OTP or the two-factor authentication page will open in a webview. After the payment is confirmed the webview closes and you will receive a response.

We recommend that you use the Web Checkout using Cashfree UI integration method unless you are certain that you require a customised payment flow.

The following sections describe the additional parameters for each of the payment methods:

Credit/Debit Card

Add the following parameters to the params map before invoking the DoPayment() method to initiate a seamless card transaction.

params[PARAM_PAYMENT_OPTION] = "card";
params[PARAM_CARD_NUMBER] = "4434260000000008";//Replace Card number
params[PARAM_CARD_MM] = "05"; // Card Expiry Month in MM
params[PARAM_CARD_YYYY] = "2021"; // Card Expiry Year in YYYY
params[PARAM_CARD_HOLDER] = "John Doe"; // Card Holder name
params[PARAM_CARD_CVV] = "123"; // Card CVV

Net Banking

Add the following parameters to the params map before invoking DoPayment() method to initiate a seamless net banking transaction. All valid bank codes are available here.

params[PARAM_PAYMENT_OPTION] = "nb";
params[PARAM_BANK_CODE] = "3333";// Put correct bank code here


Add the following parameters to the params map before invoking DoPayment() method to initiate a seamless wallet transaction. All valid wallet codes are available here.

params[PARAM_PAYMENT_OPTION] = "wallet";
params[PARAM_BANK_CODE] = "4001";// Put correct wallet code here


Add the following parameters to the params map before invoking DoPayment() method to initiate a seamless UPI transaction.

params[PARAM_PAYMENT_OPTION = "upi";
params[PARAM_UPI_VPA] = "testsuccess@gocash";// Put correct upi vpa here


Add the following parameters to params map before invoking DoPayment() method to initiate a seamless Paypal transaction.

params[PARAM_PAYMENT_OPTION] = "paypal";

UPI Intent

When the doUPIPayment method is invoked the customer is shown a list of all the installed UPI applications on their phone. After the customer selects their preferred application, the payment confirmation page will open in the application. After payment completion, the response is delivered through onActivityResult().

You also have the option to display the UPI applications in your user interface and send the response to Cashfree to launch the application selected by the customer.

Note: Payments on Test server will go via UPI simulator and will be considered as mock payments. Switch to Production server to do live payments.

Android Manifest Change

If the project's targetSdkVersion is 30, add the following code to the android manifest file.

<manifest package="com.example.game">
       <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
       <data android:scheme="upi" android:host="pay"/>

Initiate Payment

CFPaymentService.CFPaymentServiceInstance.UpiPayment(Context context,
Dictionary<String, String> params, String token, String stage);

Seamless UPI

When you want to show your own customised payment screen with specific UPI payment applications, you can use our seamless UPI integration method. Here customers click on the required application and make the payment. You can implement the payment page as per your requirement and then use our SDK to authorise the payment.

The following section describes the additional parameters required for UPI seamless integration.

... // required params
Pairs.Add("appName", "-upi app 'id' here-"); // upi app id the user selected from function

You get the appName value from the id parameter specified in the getUPIApps function.

Other Common SDK Functions


This function fetches the list of UPI apps installed in the user device.

CFPaymentService.CFPaymentServiceInstance.getUPIApps(Context context, IUPIAppsCallback 

Returns a Callback in IUPIAppsCallback with a result as a List of Map containing upi apps installed in the user device or an exception if no UPI applications are found.

Response Parameters

  • displayName: Display name of the app to be used to show in the UI.
  • id: UPI app id to be used in UPI seamless Flow (with key appName).
  • icon: Icon of the UPI app encoded in Base64 to show in the UI.

Sample response parsed to JSON:

      β€œdisplayName”: β€œGpay”,
      β€œid”: β€œcom.google.android.apps.nbu.paisa.user”,
      β€œicon”: β€œiVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAALQAAAC0CAYAAAA9zQYyAAAAAXNSR0IArs4c6QAA... (in base64)”
      β€œdisplayName”: β€œPHONEPE”,
      β€œid”: β€œcom.phonepe.app”,
      β€œicon”: β€œiVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAALQAAAC0CAYAAAA9zQYyAAAAAXNSR0IArs4c6QAA... (in base64)”


Choose the orientation (portrait or landscape) of the payment page. By default, the payment page is shown in portrait orientation.

CFPaymentService.CFPaymentServiceInstance.setOrientation(Context context, int val)


  • val: If the integer value is zero the orientation will be in portrait mode. Else, it will be landscape mode.
  • context: Context of the calling activity.


By default, a confirmation dialog is displayed when the users press back in the payment screen. You have the option to disable the confirmation dialog.

CFPaymentService.CFPaymentServiceInstance.setConfirmOnExit(Context context, boolean confirmOnExit)


  • context: Context of the calling activity.
  • confirmOnExit: Value should be true if you want to show a confirmation popup on pressing back in the payment screen.

Verify Response

Once the SDK returns a response to the application, it is mandatory to verify the payment response by verifying the signature value returned in the payment response and it also highly recommended to implement webhook notification.

Webhook Notifications

Webhooks are events that notify you about the payment. We send a notification from Cashfree backend to your backend whenever a payment is successful for an order. The notification will be sent to notifyUrl which is specified during order creation.
To specify notifyUrl, add it with other parameters (orderId, orderAmount etc.) as shown below:

params.put(PARAM_NOTIFY_URL, "https://example.com/path/to/notify/url/")


  • Notifications are usually instant but in some rare cases it can take up to a minute to hit your server. Make sure that your URL supports https. Notifications are sent only in the case of successful payments.
  • Sometimes you may receive the same notification two or more times. It is recommended to ensure that your implementation of the webhook is idempotent.
  • Ensure that you verify the signature in the webhook response.
  • This also handles scenarios for users in cases like the internet connection lost after payment, or user closing the application after payments, etc. It helps to reconcile all the successful orders at your end.

The parameters sent in notification are described here.

Verify Signature

Verify the signature value in the payment response to check the authenticity of the transaction response. In every response, we add a digital signature to establish the authenticity of the message. We require you to verify the signature received at your end to ensure that the response has not been tampered. This verification has to be done on your server as involves secretKey which should not be exposed on the client-side.

 $orderId = $_POST["orderId"];
 $orderAmount = $_POST["orderAmount"];
 $referenceId = $_POST["referenceId"];
 $txStatus = $_POST["txStatus"];
 $paymentMode = $_POST["paymentMode"];
 $txMsg = $_POST["txMsg"];
 $txTime = $_POST["txTime"];
 $signature = $_POST["signature"];
 $data = $orderId.$orderAmount.$referenceId.$txStatus.$paymentMode.$txMsg.$txTime;
 $hash_hmac = hash_hmac('sha256', $data, $secretkey, true) ;
 $computedSignature = base64_encode($hash_hmac);
 if ($signature == $computedSignature) {
    // Proceed
  } else {
   // Reject this call
iimport hashlib
import hmac
import base64

@app.route('/notify_url/', methods=["POST"])
def notify_url_process():

 postData = {
  "orderId" : request.form['orderId'], 
  "orderAmount" : request.form['orderAmount'], 
  "referenceId" : request.form['referenceId'], 
  "txStatus" : request.form['txStatus'], 
  "paymentMode" : request.form['paymentMode'], 
  "txMsg" : request.form['txMsg'], 
  "txTime" : request.form['txTime'], 

 signatureData = postData["orderId"] + postData["orderAmount"] + postData["referenceId"] + postData["txStatus"] + postData["paymentMode"] + postData["txMsg"] + postData["txTime"]

 message = bytes(signatureData).encode('utf-8')
 #get secret key from your config
 secret = bytes(secretKey).encode('utf-8')
 signature = base64.b64encode(hmac.new(secret, 
LinkedHashMap<String, String> postData = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();

postData.put("orderId", ORDERID);
postData.put("orderAmount", ORDERAMOUNT);
postData.put("referenceId", REFERENCE_ID);
postData.put("txStatus", TXN_STATUS);
postData.put("paymentMode", PAYMENT_MODE);
postData.put("txMsg", TX_MSG);
postData.put("txTime", TX_TIME);

String data = "";
Set<String> keys = postData.keySet();

for (String key : keys) {
    data = data + postData.get(key);
String secretKey = "" // Get secret key from config;
Mac sha256_HMAC = Mac.getInstance("HmacSHA256");
SecretKeySpec secret_key_spec = new

String signature = Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(sha256_HMAC.doFinal(data.getBytes()));
using System;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace Rextester {
  public class Program {
    private string CreateToken(string message, string secret){
      secret = secret ?? "";
      var encoding = new System.Text.ASCIIEncoding();
      byte[] keyByte = encoding.GetBytes(secret);
      byte[] messageBytes = encoding.GetBytes(message);

      using (var hmacsha256 = new HMACSHA256(keyByte))
        byte[] hashmessage = hmacsha256.ComputeHash(messageBytes);
        return Convert.ToBase64String(hashmessage);

    public static void Main(string[] args) {

      string secret = "<your_secret_key>";
      string data = "";

      data = data + "FEX101";
      data = data + "10.00";
      data = data + "19992";
      data = data + "SUCCESS";
      data = data + "pg";
      data = data + "payment done";
      data = data + "2018-02-02 17:29:12";

      Program n = new Program();
      string signature = n.CreateToken(data, secret);

Request and Response Parameters

Request Parameters

appIdYesYour app ID
orderIdYesOrder or Invoice ID
orderCurrencyYesCurrency code for the order.
orderAmountYesBill amount of the order
orderNoteNoHelp text to provide customers with more information about the order.
customerNameNoName of the customer
customerPhoneYesPhone number of the customer
customerEmailYesEmail ID of the customer
notifyUrlNoNotification URL for server-server communication. Useful when a user's connection drops after completing the payment.
paymentModesNoAllowed payment modes for this order. Available values: cc, dc, nb, paypal, upi, wallet.
Leave it blank if you want to display all modes.

Response Parameters

These parameters are sent as extras to the onActivityResult(). They contain the details of the transaction.

orderIdOrder id for which transaction has been processed. Example, GZ-212.
orderAmountOrder amount. Example, 256.00
paymentModePayment mode of the transaction.
referenceIdCashfree generated unique transaction ID. Example, 140388038803.
txStatusPayment status for that order. Values can be, SUCCESS, FLAGGED, PENDING, FAILED, CANCELLED.
paymentModePayment mode used by customers to make the payment. Example, DEBIT_CARD, MobiKwik.
txMsgMessage related to the transaction. Will have the reason, if payment failed.
txTimeTime of the transaction.
typeFixed value : CashFreeResponse. To identify the response is from Cashfree SDK.
signatureResponse signature, more here.


  • There can be scenarios where the SDK is not able to verify the payment within a short period of time. The status of such orders will be PENDING.
    • If the Webview closes immediately after it is opened then it could be because of some issues with the input that is passed to the SDK. Check the inputs passed and if you still need further help reach out to us at [email protected].
    • If you are getting INCOMPLETE as the transaction status please reach out to your account manager or [email protected]. To know more about the transaction statuses, click here.


Checklist to Go Live

  • Ensure you trigger https://api.cashfree.com/api/v2/cftoken/order endpoint to generate the Token.
  • Pass the production appId/secretKey in the x-client-id and x-client-secret of the token request API.
  • When calling DoPayment() method ensure that the stage parameter is "PROD".
  • When calling DoPayment() method ensure the params map is sent to your appId. Ensure it is the correct production appId.

Checklist to Test the Integration

  • Ensure you trigger https://test.cashfree.com/api/v2/cftoken/order endpoint to generate the token.
  • Pass the Test app ID and secret key in the x-client-id and x-client-secret of the token request API.
  • When calling DoPayment() method ensure that the stage parameter is "TEST".
  • When calling DoPayment() method ensure the params map is sent to your appId. Ensure it is the correct test appId.