Verify IFSC

Verify beneficiary bank IFSC instantly using Verification Suite. It also provides you details like the bank and branch name, address, and supported payment modes. These details help businesses make successful transfers to the beneficiary. You can use also use our API to verify IFSC details.


Verify IFSC for Free!

You can verify your beneficiary IFSC details for free using Free Credits. With this limited-time offer, experience and test the feature without paying any verification charges.

A banner displays the offer for you on the Verification Suite - IFSC page (Verification Suite Dashboard > Verification Suite - IFSC). Click Claim Free Credits and instantly redeem the credits to your account.

To verify IFSC,

  1. Go to Verification Suite Dashboard > IFSC.
  2. Enter the IFSC that you want to verify.

Verify IFSC

  1. Click Verify. You will see a success message if the IFSC is valid.

Verification Success

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