Integration Steps

Learn how to onboard various payment providers on Router.


Follow the steps below to onboard Razorpay as a payment provider:

  1. Ensure Razorpay has enabled S2S (server-to-server)access for your Razorpay account. Drop an email to your account manager / SPOC at Razorpay for this.
    *If you have a PCI DSS certificate, attach that to the email.
  • If you do not have a PCI DSS certificate, email [email protected] and ask your account manager for the certificate.
  1. Add webhook endpoints from the Razorpay dashboard
  1. The secret key can be obtained from the Razorpay dashboard under Razorpay gateway with the key "Webhook Secret Key".
  2. Under Active Events, select payment.failed, payment.captured and order.paid.


Follow the steps below to onboard PayU as a payment provider:

  1. Ensure that PayU has enabled S2S (server-to-server) access for your PayU merchant account. Drop an email to your account manager / SPOC at Payu for this.
  2. Ensure that PayU adds these webhooks to your account or drop an email to your account manager / SPOC at Payu for this.
  1. Enable webhooks for failed and bounced transactions.
  2. Enable ws_callback to get status updates for delayed success transactions. Drop an email to your account manager / SPOC at Payu for this.
  3. Get auto retry disabled at PayU for a seamless transaction journey for the user. Drop an email to your account manager / SPOC at Payu for this.


Follow the steps below to onboard Paytm as a payment provider:

  1. Ensure that Paytm has enabled S2S (server-to-server) access on your Paytm business merchant account. Drop an email to your Paytm account manager for this.
  2. Ensure that Paytm adds these webhooks to your account or drop an email to your account manager / SPOC at Paytm for this.
  1. Enable webhooks for failed and bounced transactions.
  2. Frop an email to your account manager / SPOC at Paytm and request that API-based refunds are enabled on your account at Paytm.
  3. Get the auto-retry option disabled at Paytm for a seamless transaction journey.

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