Bank Account Verification Sync V2

Use this API to do bank account verification in sync. View the test data and use the information to trigger the validations. You can use the test data only in test environments such as gamma and sandbox.

We do not support Deutsche Bank and Fincare Small Finance Bank currently because they are not live on the IMPS rails.

Response Codes

Sub CodeStatusMessageNext Action
400ERRORname can include a maximum of 100 characters.Ensure the name entered does not exceed 100 characters.
400ERRORname should not include special characters.Only alphanumeric and white spaces are accepted.
400ERRORphone can include a maximum of 13 characters.Ensure the entered phone number is between 8 and 13 numeric digits.
400ERRORphone should include a minimum of 8 characters.Ensure the entered phone number is between 8 and 13 numeric digits.
400ERRORphone should be numeric.Ensure the entered value contains only numeric digits.
400ERRORbank_account is missing in the request.Ensure you enter a valid bank account number in the request.
400ERRORbank_account can include a maximum of 40 characters.Ensure the entered bank account information does not exceed 40 characters.
400ERRORbank_account should include a minimum of 6 characters.Ensure the entered bank account number has a minimum of 6 characters.
400ERRORbank_account should be alphanumeric.Ensure the bank account number does not contain any characters apart from alphabets and numerals.
400ERRORifsc is missing in the request.Enter a valid IFSC in the request.
400ERRORifsc should be of 11 characters and 5th character should be 0.Enter a valid IFSC in the request.
400ERRORx-client-id is missing in the request.Enter all the header information in the API request.
400ERRORClient secret belongs to test environmentEnter the correct environment credentials in the request.
400ERRORservice not enabled for this account.Contact your account manager or write to us at [email protected]
401ERRORInvalid clientId and clientSecret combinationEnsure you enter valid x-client-id and x-client-secret information in the API request.
403ERRORIP not whitelisted your current ip is IP whitelisting assistance, visit our guide at the IP address.
422ERRORFraud activity detected for this account.-
422ERRORInsufficient balance to process this requestTry again with sufficient balance.
422ERRORverification already under process.Try again after some time.
422ERRORfailed at bank.-
422ERRORnpci unavailable.-
422ERRORconnection timeout from bank.Try again after some time.
422ERRORbene bank declined.-
422ERRORsource bank declined.-
422ERRORimps mode fail.-
422ERRORbeneficiary bank offline.Try again after some time.
500ERRORsomething went wrongTry again after some time.
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!