Standard Transfer Sync

Use this API to initiate an amount transfer request at Cashfree Payments. You need to provide beneficiary ID, amount, and transfer ID. This is a sync transfer request.


Version 2 APIs

We provide version 2 APIs for Payouts that benefits you in multiple ways.

Once you trigger the requestTransfer API, the transfer to the beneficiary account will be attempted immediately and the bank's reference number will be returned in the API response. The median time for the response is 2 to 5 seconds.

Please use this Authorization token in headers to call any payout API (Refresh this page if the token is expired)

Click to view the response codes.

Response Codes

Sub CodeStatusMessageNext Action
200SUCCESSTransfer completed successfully.
201SUCCESSTransfer Scheduled for next working day.
201PENDINGAwaiting confirmation from beneficiary bank.
201PENDINGTransfer request pending at the bank.
202PENDINGRequest received. Please check status after some time.
403ERRORToken is not validVerify the generated token.
403ERRORIP not whitelistedWhitelist the IP address.
403ERRORThis feature is not available for your account.
403ERRORTransfer mode is not available for your account.
412ERRORToken missing in the request.
412ERRORBeneId missing in the request.Enter a valid beneficiary ID.
412ERRORAmount missing in the request.Enter a valid transfer amount.
412ERRORTransferId missing in the request.Enter a valid transfer ID.
422ERRORInvalid amount passed.Enter a valid transfer amount.
422ERRORInvalid transferId passed.Enter a valid transfer ID.
422ERRORNo Payee Virtual Address associated with the beneficiary.
422ERRORRemarks can have only numbers, alphabets and whitespaces.Enter any remarks of a maximum of 70 alphanumeric characters and white spaces.
409ERRORTransfer Id already exists.Enter a different transfer ID.
404ERRORBeneficiary does not exist.Enter valid beneficiary details.
422ERRORBeneficiary details not valid.Enter valid beneficiary details.
422ERRORNo Bank account or IFSC associated with the beneficiary.Enter valid bank account details.
412ERRORNot enough available balance in the account.Retry with sufficient balance in the account.
412ERRORPlease wait 30 minutes after adding the beneficiary.
412ERRORTransfer amount is less than minimum amount of Rs. 100.Enter a transfer amount that is equal to or more than Rs. 100.
412ERRORTransfer amount is greater than the maximum amount of Rs.100000.Enter a transfer amount that is equal to or less than Rs. 100000.
422ERRORInvalid IFSC code provided for bank account.Enter valid bank account details.
422ERRORInvalid bank account number or IFSC provided.Enter a valid bank account number and IFSC.
422ERRORTransfer request to paytm wallet failed.
400/520ERRORTransfer attempt failed at the bank.
520ERRORTransfer request triggered.No response from bank.
403ERRORTransfer to this beneficiary not allowed.Enter a different beneficiary ID.
400ERRORTransfer limit for beneficiary exceeded.
412ERRORTransfer limit for your account exceeded.
412ERRORInvalid transfer mode passed in the request.
412ERRORTransfer mode not enabled for the account.
412ERRORInvalid Tag passed in the request.
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!