PAN Lite

The PAN Lite API, NSDL's newest service, gathers PAN number, name, and date of birth from users and cross-references it with NSDL's database. It serves as a crucial tool for financial institutions and businesses aiming to verify user identity through PAN card details. The API provides comprehensive verification statuses, ensuring alignment with official records. This depth of information makes it a dependable resource for combating identity fraud and upholding regulatory standards

Response Codes

Sub CodeStatusMessageNext Action
200SUCCESSValid but Acquisition PANThe entered PAN information exists and is valid but it is marked as acquisition.
200SUCCESSInvalid PANThe entered PAN information does not exist in the database. Enter a valid 10-character alphanumeric PAN identifier.
200SUCCESSDeactivated PANThe entered PAN information is deactivated. Enter a valid 10-character alphanumeric PAN identifier that is active.
200SUCCESSFake PANThe entered PAN information is fake.
200SUCCESSDeleted PANThe entered PAN information has been deleted.
400ERRORpan is missing in the request.Enter a valid 10-character alphanumeric PAN identifier in the request.
400ERRORname is missing in the request.Enter the name of the individual in the request.
400ERRORdob is missing in the request.Enter the date of birth of the individual in the request.
400ERRORdob should be of type YYYY-MM-DD.Enter the date of birth in the YYY-MM-DD format.
400ERRORverification_id is missing in the request.Enter the verification ID to identify this API request.
400ERRORverification_id can include a maximum of 50 characters.Do no exceed 50 characters while entering the verification ID.
400ERRORverification_id can include only alphanum, dot, hyphen and underscores.Only alphanumeric, hyphen (-), period (.), and underscore ( _ ) are allowed.
400ERRORClient secret belongs to test environmentEnter the correct environment credentials in the request.
400ERRORx-client-id is missing in the request.Enter all the header information in the API request.
401ERRORInvalid clientId and clientSecret combinationEnter valid client ID and secret key in the request.
403ERRORIP not whitelisted your current ip is IP whitelisting assistance, visit our guide at the IP address.
409ERRORverification id already existsEnter a unique verification ID to identify the API request.
422ERRORInsufficient balance to process this request.Ensure you have sufficient balance and then process the request.
500ERRORsomething went wrongTry again after some time.
502ERRORverification attempt failedTry again after some time.
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!