Create E-Sign Request

Use this API to add the details of the document and signer(s) to initiate e-sign verification.

Response Codes

Sub CodeStatusMessageNext Action
400ERRORverification_id is missing in the request.Create a valid verification ID to identify the request.
400ERRORverification_id can include only alphanum, dot, hyphen, and underscores.Only alphanumeric, period (.), hyphen (-), and underscore ( _ ) are allowed.
400ERRORx-client-id is missing in the request.Enter all the header information in the API request.
400ERRORdocument_id is missing in the request.Enter the unique ID received in the Upload Document for E-Sign API response.
400ERRORDocument id provided is invalid.Enter a valid document ID.
400ERRORDocument id provided is expired.Upload the document again to create the request for signing the document.
400ERRORnotification_modes is missing in the request.Enter how you want to notify the signee about the e-sign details in the request.
400ERRORnotification_modes is missing in the request.Enter how you want to notify the signee about the e-sign details in the request.
400ERRORNotification mode provided is invalid.Enter a valid notification mode.
400ERRORMaximum number limit of Signer exceeded.You can only enter a maximum of ten signers.
400ERRORClient secret belongs to test environmentEnter the correct environment credentials in the request.
400ERRORauth_type is missing in the requestEnter the type of authentication to be used for e-signature.
400ERRORexpiry_in_days is missing in the request.Enter the expiry of the signing link for each signer in days. The maximum allowed time is 15 days.
400ERRORsigners is missing in the request.Enter the details of the signer(s) in the request.
400ERRORDuplicate sequence passed for signersEnsure the sequence entered is unique.
400ERRORSequence passed for signers is InvalidEnsure the sequence of signers are less than or equal to the number of signers.
400ERRORMultiple signer is not allowed without email notification modeIf the notification mode is not email, multiple signers are not allowed.
401ERRORInvalid clientId and clientSecret combinationEnter valid client ID and secret key in the request.
403ERRORIP not whitelisted your current ip is IP whitelisting assistance, visit our guide at the IP address.
409ERRORThis Verification ID already exists. Provide a different ID.Enter a unique verification ID to identify the request.
422ERRORInsufficient balance to process this requestTry again with sufficient balance.
500ERRORsomething went wrong, please try after some timeTry again after some time.
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!