Add Beneficiary

Use this API to add a beneficiary to your Cashfree account by providing the bank account number, IFSC, and other required details. Before you request a transfer, ensure the account has been successfully added as a beneficiary.


Version 2 APIs

We provide version 2 APIs for Payouts that benefits you in multiple ways.

Please use this Authorization token in headers to call any payout API (Refresh this page if the token is expired)

Click to view the response codes.

Response Codes

Sub CodeStatusMessageNext Action
200SUCCESSBeneficiary added successfully-
400ERRORPlease provide a valid VPAEnter a valid VPA in the API request.
403ERRORToken is not validEnter a valid token in the request.
403ERRORIP not whitelistedWhitelist the API.
403ERRORAPIs not enabled. Please reach out to [email protected]Contact [email protected]
409ERRORBeneficiary Id already existsEnter a unique ID for the beneficiary.
409ERROREntered bank Account is already registeredEnter different bank account information.
412ERRORToken missing in the requestEnter a valid token in the request.
412ERRORBeneficiary group is not an active group
412ERRORBank account and VPA are both provided in the request. Please add either of them to add the beneficiary.Enter any of the information in the request.
412ERRORCannot add yourself as a beneficiaryEnter an individual's information apart from yours to add a beneficiary.
422ERRORPlease provide a valid Beneficiary IdEnter a valid beneficiary ID.
422ERRORPlease provide a valid emailEnter a valid email address.
422ERRORPlease provide a valid nameEnter a valid name.
422ERRORPlease provide a valid Phone NumberEnter a valid phone number.
422ERRORPlease provide a valid Bank AccountEnter valid bank account information.
422ERRORPlease provide a valid Bank IFSC codeEnter a valid IFSC.
422ERRORPlease provide a valid Virtual Payee AddressEnter a valid VPA.
422ERRORPlease provide a valid AddressEnter a valid address.
422ERRORPlease provide a valid City NameEnter a valid city name.
422ERRORPlease provide a valid State NameEnter a valid state name.
422ERRORPlease provide a valid Pin codeEnter a valid PIN code.
422ERRORCashfree VBA/VPA cannot be added as a beneficiaryEnter a different VBA/VPA to add the beneficiary.
422ERRORPlease provide a valid MasterCard or Visa card numberEnter a valid MasterCard or Visa card number.
422ERRORPlease provide a masked card number of a valid MasterCard or Visa cardEnter a masked card number of a valid MasterCard or Visa card.
422ERRORInvalid details providedEnter valid details of the beneficiary to add the beneficiary in the system.
520ERRORAdding beneficiary FailedRe-enter the details or try again after some time.

Note: If you are attempting to create a transfer in the Sandbox environment, you can obtain the test data details from this link.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!