Get Incidents

Use this API to get the list of incidents on banks(Resolved,Unresolved,All) for a given time range.

Please use this Authorization token in headers to call any payout API (Refresh this page if the token is expired)

Click to view the response codes.

Response Codes

StatusSub CodeMessage
SUCCESS200List of incidents retrieved
ERROR403Token is not valid
ERROR403IP Not Whitelisted
ERROR403APIs not enabled. Please reach out to [email protected]
ERROR412Token missing in the request
ERROR422Status is invalid
ERROR422startTime should be less than or equal to EndTime.
ERROR422Maximum time difference can be upto 7 days and startTime should be within 90 days from now.
ERROR422startTime should be of the format yyyy-mm-dd
ERROR422endTime should be of the format yyyy-mm-dd
ERROR520Unknown error occured!
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!