Batch Transfer

Use this API to create multiple transfers to multiple beneficiaries. This API accepts an array of transfer objects under the batch field.


Version 2 APIs

We provide version 2 APIs for Payouts that benefits you in multiple ways.

Please use this Authorization token in headers to call any payout API (Refresh this page if the token is expired)


Get Batch Transfer Status

Use the Get Batch Transfer Status API to get the status of the batch transfer request. The Get Transfer Status API does not give you the status of the batch transfer requests. Read the batch transfer document to understand the flow of the API.

Click to view the batch format.

Batch Format

BENEFICIARY_IDWith this value, beneId and transferMode must be passed in the transfer object within the batch array alphanumeric and underscore allowed (60 character limit) If batchFormat is set to any of the below values, transfers will only be processed via specified mode.
BANK_ACCOUNTWith this value, Additional details such as bankAccount, ifsc, name, email, phone must be passed in the transfer object within the batch array
UPIWith this value, Additional details such as vpa, name, email, phone must be passed in the transfer object within the batch array
PAYTMWith this value, Additional details such as name, email, phone must be passed in the transfer object within the batch array
AMAZONPAYWith this value, Additional details such as name, email, phone must be passed in the transfer object within the batch array
Click to view the transfer objects and its description.

Transfer Objects

Field NameDescription
transferIdA unique transfer id.
amountAmount to be transferred.
beneIdThe ID of the beneficiary. This field must be passed if the batch format option is BENEFICIARY_ID.
transferModeRequired only when batchFormat is set to BENEFICIARY_ID, mode of transfer for each transfer in batch needs to be set.
Allowed values are: banktransfer, upi, paytm, and amazonpay
bankAccountBank account number for payout. This field must be passed if the batch format option is BANK_ACCOUNT.
ifscIFSC of the corresponding bank account. This field must be passed if the batch format option is BANK_ACCOUNT.
vpa [optional]VPA of the corresponding user. This field must be passed if the batch format option is UPI.
nameName of the account holder. This field must be passed if the batch format option is BANK_ACCOUNT.
email [optional]Email of the beneficiary. This field must be passed if the batch format option is BANK_ACCOUNT.
phoneThe phone of the beneficiary. This field must be passed if the batch format option is BANK_ACCOUNT/PAYTM/AMAZONPAY.
remarks [optional]Remarks, if any.

Currently, batch transfer supports transfers to bank accounts, UPI, Paytm, and Amazon Pay. If the beneficiary object does not have valid details attached to it, the transfer fails.

Click to view the response codes.

Response Codes

Sub CodeStatusMessageSolution
200SUCCESSBatch Transfer requested successfully. Please check later for processing status.
202PENDINGRequest received. Please check status after some time.
403ERRORToken is not validVerify the generated token.
403ERRORPermission Denied
409ERRORInvalid Batch FormatEnter a valid batch transfer ID.
409ERRORBatch TransferId already existsEnter a different batch transfer ID.
412ERRORToken missing in the requestEnter a valid token in the request.
422ERRORBatch transfer id is missingEnter a valid batch transfer ID.
422ERRORInvalid Batch Transfer Id providedEnter a valid batch transfer ID.
422ERRORThe maximum number of entries allowed per file is 500, please try again.Enter only a maximum of 500 entries per file.
422ERRORBatch format is missingEnter valid batch format details.
422ERRORTransfer Parameters missing in the request
422ERRORPlease provide at least one transfer entryEnter at least one transfer entry.
520ERRORUnknown error occurred at batchTransfer
520ERRORBatch Transfer request failed
520ERRORError in batch transfer
520ERRORUnknown error occurred
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!