Pay Order

Use this API to pay for the order you have created. Click on the payment link to complete the payment.

Click to view the detailed response parameters and response codes.

Response Parameters

statusStatus of API call. Values are OK and ERROR.
paymentLinkLink of payment page for that order. Returned when the status is OK.
reasonReason for failure when the status is an ERROR.

Response Codes

Sub CodeStatusMessageSolution
200OKPlease provide a valid appIdSpecify a valid appID
400ERRORPlease provide a valid secretKeySpecify a valid secretKey
400ERRORPlease provide a valid tokenSpecify a valid token
400ERRORToken is not presentSpecify a token
400ERRORInvalid Card Number enteredSpecify a valid card number
400ERRORPlease provide a valid card expiry monthSpecify a valid expiry month. Value should be at max 2
400ERRORPlease provide a valid card expiry yearSpecify a valid expiry year. Value should be at max 2
400ERRORPlease provide a valid CVVSpecify a valid CVV. Value should be numeric and should be at max 4

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