Use this API to upload KYC documents of a specific vendor.
For Auto Collect pass the Authorization token. Use the Authorize API to generate the token for Auto Collect APIs.
Response Codes
Sub Code | Message | Solution |
400 | Mention a valid document type. Provide a value from this list: - PAN - Cancelled cheque - Attested Bank document - GSTIN - Other Business Document - CIN - NBFC and LSP Agreement - NBFC Certificate - NBFC domain confirmation email on Cashfree partnership - Merchant - Vendor Agreement - Email Confirmation from vendor - Driving Licence - UIDAI - Voter ID - Passport | |
400 | Request Entity Too Large | Upload a smaller file. Maximum allowed size is 2MB. |
400 | Split Vendor doesn't exist | Specify a existing vendor ID. |
400 | Invalid file format, allowed formats are: jpg, jpeg, png, pdf, docx, svg | Please provide doc format from jpg, jpeg, png, pdf, docx, svg only. |
Sample Doc Names, Input Type, and Respective Doc Categories
Doc Category | Doc Name | Input Type |
PAN | Cancelled cheque | DOCUMENT |
PAN | Attested Bank document | DOCUMENT |
GSTIN | Other Business Document | DOCUMENT |
NBFC and LSP Agreement | NBFC and LSP Agreement | DOCUMENT |
NBFC Certificate | NBFC Certificate | DOCUMENT |
NBFC domain confirmation email | NBFC domain confirmation email on Cashfree partnership | DOCUMENT |
Merchant Vendor Agreement | Merchant - Vendor Agreement | DOCUMENT |
Merchant Vendor Agreement | Email Confirmation from vendor | DOCUMENT |
ID Proof | Driving Licence | VALUE |
ID Proof | UIDAI | VALUE |
ID Proof | Voter ID | VALUE |
ID Proof | Passport | VALUE |
Document Input Handling Guidelines
- If the document input type is DOCUMENT, please upload a file by providing the file.
- For a document input type of VALUE, input the corresponding value in the doc_value field.
- In cases where both document and value are being passed, doc_value will take precedence, and the file will be submitted as null.