Create Refund

Use this API to initiate refunds.



Click to view the response parameters.

Response Description

400ERRORAmount cannot be null.
400ERRORMerchantRefId cannot be blank
400ERRORReferenceId cannot be null
400ERRORMerchantRefId must be less than or equal to 50 characters.
400ERRORNote must be less than or equal to 150 characters.
400ERRORRefund amount should be equal to the transaction amount.
400ERRORAmount is not valid, can have decimal only upto two digits.
400ERRORRefund already exists on this transaction.
400ERRORCan't process this refund. Transaction is more than 90 days old.
400ERRORRefund can not be created for disputed transaction.
404ERRORTransaction not found {referenceId}.
409ERRORDuplicate Merchant Ref Id.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!

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