Create Customer

Use this API to create a customer to issue a prepaid payment instrument(PPI) also known as prepaid card.

Click to view the response codes.

Response Codes

Sub CodeStatusMessageAction
400ERRORcustomer_id : parameter missingInclude customer_id as one of the parameters in the body.
400ERRORtype : parameter missingInclude type parameter in the body.
400ERRORfull_name : parameter missingInclude full_name as one of the parameters in the body.
400ERRORemail : parameter missingInclude email as one of the parameters in the body.
400ERRORphone : parameter missingInclude phone as one of the parameters in the body.
400ERRORcustomer_id : invalid valueEnter a valid input in the customer_id parameter.
400ERRORtype : invalid valueEnter a valid input in the type parameter.
400ERRORfull_name : invalid valueEnter a valid input in the full_name parameter.
400ERRORemail : invalid valueEnter a valid input in the email parameter
400ERRORphone : invalid valueEnter a valid input in the phone parameter.
403ERROREnsure the client ID, secret key, and API version are mentioned in the API.
409ERRORcustomer_id with given id already existsEnter a different input in the customer_id parameter.
Click to view the response parameters.

Response Parameters

added_onIt represents the entry creation date.
customer_idIt represents the unique ID entered to identify the customer.
emailIt represents the email ID of the customer.
full_nameIt represents the full name of the customer.
phoneIt represents the contact number of the customer.
remarksIt represents the list of remarks passed in the request body.


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