Create Virtual Account / VPA

Use this API to create a virtual account or a virtual UPI address.




minAmount and maxAmount

  • You can specify either minAmount, maxAmount, or both for virtual accounts. These parameters are not applicable for virtual VPAs.
  • minAmount should always be lesser than or equal to maxAmount.

Request and Response Sample Code

Status: 200

    "email":"[email protected]", 
    "createMultiple": 1
  "status": "SUCCESS", 
  "subCode": "200", 
  "message": "Virtual account added successfully", 
  "data": { 
    "YESB": { 
        "accountNumber": "CASHFREE1234VATEST", 
        "ifsc": "YESB0CMSNOC" 
    "ICIC": { 
        "accountNumber": "PASFR1234VATEST", 
        "ifsc": "ICIC0000106" 

Status: 200

   "email":"[email protected]", 
  "status": "SUCCESS", 
  "subCode": "200", 
  "message": "Virtual account added successfully", 
  "data": { 
    "accountNumber": "CASHFREE1234VATEST", 
    "ifsc": "YESB0CMSNOC" 

Status: 200

   "email":"[email protected]", 
   "createMultiple": 1
  "status": "SUCCESS", 
  "subCode": "200", 
  "message": "Virtual account added successfully", 
    "accountNumber": "CASHFREE1234A98765432210", 
    "ifsc": "YESB0CMSNOC" 

Status: 200

   "name":"John Doe", 
   "email":"[email protected]", 
   "message":"Virtual account added successfully", 
       "vpa": "cashme1234john@yesbankltd" 

Status: 409

   "email":"[email protected]", 
  "status": "ERROR", 
  "subCode": "409", 
  "message": "Virtual account Id already exists" 


   "email":"[email protected]" 
   "status": "ERROR", 
   "subCode": "412", 
   "message": "Please provide either Virtual Account or VPA" 

Response Codes

Sub CodeStatusDescription
200SUCCESSVirtual account added successfully.
409ERRORVirtual account Id already exists.
412ERRORPlease provide either Virtual Account or VPA.
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!

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