Edit Virtual Account




minAmount and maxAmount

  • In the Edit Virtual Account request, if only minAmount or maxAmount is provided, the given value should be <= existing maxAmount or >= existing minAmount value for that virtual account.
  • The default values 0 - 1000000000 is applicable if minAmount and MaxAmount are not applicable for a virtual account.

For example, a Virtual Account has (min,max) as (5,10).
New Edit Virtual Account request with only maxAmount as 4 will return 422 error.
Similarly, Edit Virtual Account request with only minAmount as 11 will return 422.

Request and Response Sample Code

Status: 200

   "email":"[email protected]", 
   "remitterAccount" : "123456789", 
   "status": "SUCCESS", 
   "subCode": "200", 
   "message": "Virtual account details updated"

Status: 403

   "email":"[email protected]"
   "status": "ERROR", 
   "subCode": "403", 
   "message": "Virtual account is not active"

Status: 422

   "email":"[email protected]", 
   "remitterAccount" : "123456789", 
   "status": "ERROR", 
   "subCode": "422", 
   "message": "Please pass a valid remitter Ifsc"

Response Codes

Sub CodeStatusMessage
200SUCCESSVirtual account details updated.
403ERRORVirtual account is not active.
422ERRORPlease pass a valid remitter Ifsc.
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!

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