Edit Virtual Account Version 1.1

Use this API to edit virtual account details.




minAmount and maxAmount

  • In the Edit Virtual Account request, if only minAmount or maxAmount is provided, the given value should be <= existing maxAmount or >= existing minAmount value for that virtual account.
  • The default values 0 - 1000000000 is applicable if minAmount and MaxAmount are not applicable for a virtual account.

For example, a Virtual Account has (min,max) as (5,10).
New Edit Virtual Account request with only maxAmount as 4 will return 422 error.
Similarly, Edit Virtual Account request with only minAmount as 11 will return 422.

Request and Response Sample Code

Status: 200

//Case 1 - Edit Virtual Account without split configuration details
   "email":"[email protected]", 
   "remitterAccount" : "123456789", 

//Case 2 - Edit Virtual Account with split configuration details

    "vAccountId": "Test4",
    "name": "TestName",
    "phone": "99999XXXXX",
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "splitConfigDetails": {
        "bearAllCharges": true,
        "proportions": {
            "testvendor_1": 20.00
   "status": "SUCCESS", 
   "subCode": "200", 
   "message": "Virtual account details updated"

Status: 403

   "email":"[email protected]"
   "status": "ERROR", 
   "subCode": "403", 
   "message": "Virtual account is not active"

Status: 400

   "email":"[email protected]", 
   "remitterAccount" : "123456789", 
   "status": "ERROR", 
   "subCode": "400", 
   "message": "Please pass a valid remitter Ifsc"

Response Codes

Sub CodeStatusMessage
200SUCCESSVirtual account details updated.
400ERRORPlease pass a valid remitter Ifsc.
400ERRORPlease provide vAccountId
400ERRORInvalid proportion scale precision provided for the given vendorId: {vendorId}
400ERRORSplit Settlement preference is not enabled for profile, you cannot provide Split Config Details for virtual account.
400ERRORSpecified Split Proportions greater than 100
400ERRORInvalid Proportion provided for the given vendorId : {vendorId}
400ERRORSpecified VendorId: {vendorid}, is not registered with merchant
400ERRORPlease provide valid phone number.
400ERRORPlease provide valid email
400ERRORPlease provide valid name. Only alphabets and spaces are allowed.
400ERRORRemitter Account number should contain 9 to 30 alphanumeric characters.
400ERRORVirtual account not found with given id
403ERRORVirtual account is not active.
422ERRORAmount Lock with VPA not supported.
422ERRORRemitter Lock with VPA not supported.
400ERROREnter valid Ifsc.
400ERRORGiven maxAmount less than existing minAmount
400ERRORGiven minAmount greater than existing maxAmount.
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!

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