put https://api.cashfree.com/api/v2/api/v2/easy-split/vendors/
Use this API to edit the existing vendor details added to your EasySplit account. You can edit vendor details such as phone number, email ID, account holder name, account number, IFSC Code, UPI VPA, and the settlement cycles.
Settlement Cycles Supported
Settlement Cycle Details
ID | Description |
1 | T+1 settlement at 11:00 AM |
2 | T+2 settlement at 11:00 AM |
3 | All transactions from 4:30 PM T-1 to 10:30 AM T+0 settled at 11AM T+0, and, 10:30 AM T+0 to 4:30PM T+0 at 5:00PM T+0 |
4 | All transactions from 2:00 PM T-1 to 2:00 PM T+0 settled at 3PM T+0 |
5 | All transactions till 5.30 at 6 |
6 | Instant Settlement Every Hour between 7:00 AM and 5:00 PM on working days |
7 | Instant Settlement every 3 hours between 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM on working days |
8 | Instant Settlement Every Hour 24*7 |
9 | Instant Settlement Every 3 Hours 24*7 |
11 | Weekly Every 1st Working day |
12 | Monthly Every 1st Working day |
Response Codes
Sub Code | Status | Message | Solution |
200 | SUCCESS | Vendor is updated successfully | |
400 | ERROR | Enter a valid email ID | Specify a valid email ID |
400 | ERROR | Please provide a valid status | Specify a valid status |
400 | ERROR | Bank account number should contain 9 to 30 alphanumeric characters | Ensure bank account number contains 9 to 30 alphanumeric characters |
400 | ERROR | Enter valid IFSC | Specify a valid IFSC code |
400 | ERROR | Invalid account holder name. Account holder name should not have any special character except . / - & , | Remove any other special characters other than . / - & , from your account holder name |
400 | ERROR | Please provide a valid Phone number | Specify a valid phone number |
400 | ERROR | Invalid Name. Name should include alphabets only | Ensure the name consists of alphabets only |
400 | ERROR | Incorrect settlement cycle ID. Enter a valid ID | Specify a valid settlement cycle ID |
400 | ERROR | VendorId not specified | Specify a valid vendor ID |
400 | ERROR | Bank or UPI, only one can be passed and not both | Specify either bank or UPI method |
400 | ERROR | Merchant is not Active | Ensure merchant is active |
400 | ERROR | Vendor does not exist | Specify a existing vendor ID |
400 | ERROR | Please provide a valid vpa | Specify a valid UPI VPA |
500 | ERROR | Failed to validate VPA | Retry after sometime |
400 | ERROR | Unable to edit. VendorId is deleted | Specify a vendor ID that is active |
Sample bank account numbers and UPI VPAs to test the API in the test environment.
Bank Numbers
For banks, the primary parameters for transfer would be the bank account and IFSC number included while adding or updating vendor details.
Name | Account Number | IFSC | Remarks |
John Doe | 026291800001191 | YESB0000262 | Success |
John Doe | 00011020001772 | HDFC0000001 | Success |
John Doe | 000890289871772 | SCBL0036078 | Success |
John Doe | 000100289877623 | SBIN0008752 | Failed at bank |
John Doe | 2640101002729 | CNRR0002640 | Failure – Invaid IFSC code |
John Doe | 026291800001190 | YESB0000262 | Failure – Invalid Account number |
John Doe | 02014457596969 | CITI0000001 | Success (later to Reversed) |
Jon D | 026291800001191 | YESB0000262 | Failure - Account holder name matching failed |
For UPI, the primary parameter for transfer would be the UPI VPA included while adding or updating the vendor details. Use these UPI VPA to test transfers to the vendor account.
VPA | Remarks |
success@upi | Successful UPI transfer |
incorrect@upi and invalid@upi | Failed UPI transfer |