Initiate UPI Payment


End Points

Response Parameters

statusStatus of API call “OK”, “ERROR”.
orderIdOrder/Invoice ID.
referenceIdReference ID of the UPI transaction.
messageMessage, if any.
qrBase64 png image. This is returned when upiMode ‘qrcode’ is used.
linkUPI scheme link that can be used to pay using a UPI app returned when upiMode ‘link’ is used.

Callback Response

orderId (String)Order id for which transaction has been processed. Example, GZ-212.
orderAmount (Float)Amount of the order. Example, 256.00.
referenceId (String)Transaction reference ID, if payment has been attempted.
txStatus (String)Transaction status, if a payment has been attempted.
paymentMode (String)Payment mode of transaction, if payment has been attempted.
txMsg (String)Transaction message, if payment has been attempted.
txTime (String)Transaction time, if payment has been attempted.
signatureResponse signature.

